Student Name
First Name
Last Name
Student Birthdate
Program Enrolling In: Please check the appropriate program below based on your acceptance email.
A/B Level:
9:00-3:00pm Monday-Friday
4 week option June 2nd- 27th, 2025
2 week option June 16th- 27th, 2025
C/D Level:
9:00- 4:30pm Monday-Friday
4 weeks, June 2nd- 27th, 2025
All students in levels A-D will participate in an end of program showcase on Friday, June 27th 2025.
A/B 2-week Program: June 16-27
A/B 4-week Program: June 2-27
C/D 4-week Program: June 2-27
Student Address
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Student T-Shirt Size
Is the student a current US citizen?
Are the student's parents divorced?
Student's Cell Phone Number (If applicable)
How did you hear about our program?
Primary Contact Name
Primary Parent or Guardian for students under 18 years. Students 18 and over may provide your own information here and and emergency contact under the Secondary Contact
First Name
Last Name
Primary Contact Relationship to Student
Select one
Caretaker (Babysitter/Nanny)
Self (students 18 and over)
Primary Contact Phone
Primary Contact Email
Secondary Contact Name
Secondary Parent/ Guardian or emergency contact for students under 18. In an emergency, the secondary contact will be called if we cannot reach the primary contact.
First Name
Last Name
Secondary Contact Relationship to Student
Select one
Caretaker (Babysitter/Nanny)
Secondary Contact Phone
Secondary Contact Email
First Name
Last Name
Agreement to read Summer Intensive forms (emailed and on website) and to follow policies outlined therein.
Students under 18: Student and Parent/Gaurdian must agree to policies.
Students 18 and over: Student must agree
I/we have read the policies of the New Orleans Ballet Theatre Summer Intensive.
I/we agree to adhere to them while enrolled for the 2025 Summer Session as a student. I/we understand that failure to adhere to these policies may result in dismissal from the NOBT Summer Intensive.
Yes, I agree.
Physical Limitations
Students should be aware that professional training in dance is extremely rigorous and is particularly stressful to the muscular and skeletal structures of both the upper and lower body. In addition, there are special considerations and care to be taken with the bone structure and muscles of the head, neck, shoulders, back, feet, ankles, lower legs, knees, thighs, and hip joints. Because of the susceptibility of dancers for injury to these muscles and bone structures, particular attention will be given at the time of audition and in subsequent evaluations to the dancer’s fitness in these areas and to the effects of stress placed upon these structures by the rigors of the dancer’s regimen.
In order to insure a positive training program at NOBT Summer Intensive, we ask that you inform us of any physical limitations that could prevent you from actively participating and performing fully in the program. If there are no physical limitations, check the appropriate box. If there are any physical limitations, please submit the medical release form signed by the student's physician. If any physical limitations arise between the time this form is submitted and the start of the program, the attendee agrees to notify NOBT staff immediately, and will resubmit this form, if necessary, with doctor approval.
The medical release form (if needed) can be found on page 8 of the handbook.
The student has NO CURRENT PHYSICAL LIMITATIONS and can actively participate in all classes.
The student HAS A PHYSICAL CONDITION impacting participation and will submit the doctor's note found on page 8 of the handbook to describe limitations.
Student's Medical Insurance Carrier
Student's Insurance Policy #
I understand that dance is a physical art form and injury is inherent. Every effort has been made to keep the studio a safe and appropriate environment for learning and performing dance class. If an injury does occur, the student or student's parent/guardian is responsible for medical expenses incurred and will not hold New Orleans Ballet Theatre liable.
Yes, I understand.
The Directors and Faculty are qualified to teach students at the appropriate level, and I understand that every effort has been made to place students at the appropriate level for their abilities.
Yes, I understand.
I understand that the student may be touched appropriately by the teacher in order to achieve a certain position of the body as it pertains to the dance form.
Yes, I understand.
Electronic Signature
I hereby declare all of the above to be true to my knowledge. I understand all of the policies above and sign my name below as the student (18 and older) or as a legal guardian of the student (under 18).